These lessons were created in partnership with the Regional Water Quality Control Plant

Salt marsh harvest mouse on pickleweed

Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse

Grade: K-2nd
NGSS: ESS3.A: Natural Resources
In this activity, a teacher will guide students through slides about a local endangered species, the salt marsh harvest mouse. Students will complete activities on a printable “field guide” page or foldable book as they learn about this fascinating animal and what it might take to ensure its future survival.

Landscape of the baylands with clouds in the sky

Changing Shorelines

Grade: 4th
NGSS: LS4.D: Biodiversity and Humans
Students will compare a series of local shoreline maps, using recognizable features to help them deepen their understanding of the past, present and future of the salt marsh habitat around the San Francisco Bay. They will learn how humans have played a role in that change and discuss why it matters now and for the future.

Landscape of land path in the baylands

The Future of our Shores

Grade: 5th
NGSS: ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems
Students will learn about sea level rise and its underlying causes by analyzing climate data. They will then focus on local sea level rise projections, evaluate what local features are at risk, and create a project highlighting a potential solution to create a better future for our shores.