An East Palo Alto Summer with Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula
I'm a proud member of the East Palo Alto community, born and raised here. I am also an intern for Grassroots Ecology stationed at Cooley Landing in East Palo Alto. This summer I helped lead a 5-week program for 7th graders from the Boys & Girls Club of Peninsula. I'd like to share my top 3 moments of the program for me.
Building Community in Changing Tides/Construyendo Communidad en Mareas Cambiantes
Cooley Landing’s location on the bay shore makes this open space a great place to see changing tides. On December 4th of last year, we were able to see an even more staggering difference in tide levels at our King Tide Naturalist Walk.
La ubicación de Cooley Landing en la orilla de la bahía hace que este espacio abierto sea un gran lugar para ver las mareas cambiantes. El 4 de diciembre del año pasado, pudimos ver una diferencia aún más asombrosa en los niveles de las mareas en nuestra caminata naturalista Mareas Reales.
Rising with the Tides in East Palo Alto
Sea levels are on the rise all over the globe, including on our local shorelines. Learn about what sea level rise looks like at Cooley Landing and what we are doing to adapt.
Restoring our Wetlands for a Changing Climate
We need marshes now more than ever as we face a changing climate. Marshes provide a buffer between open water and the shore by dissipating wave energy, thus reducing flood risk. They sequester carbon, thus doing their part to reduce the greenhouse effect. And not least of all they provide shelter, forage, and nesting and breeding grounds for birds, mammals, fish and other aquatic life, including many rare and endangered species.