Our Native Plant Nursery is not open for in-person shopping. Plant orders must be placed online for pick up at our location in Palo Alto's Foothills Nature Preserve or at one of our upcoming spring sales. Please see ordering instructions below and contact with any questions.

California native plants growing in a nursery with a close up on a columbine


  1. Download inventory list (button below)

  2. Fill out the quantity column for the plants you would like to purchase, and save the updated file to your computer

  3. Attach it to an email and send to, indicating whether you want to pick up at our nursery or during one of the spring sales listed below.


  1. Use the inventory list below to determine what species you would like to purchase

  2. Email with the name, size, and quantity of the species you would like to purchase. Please also indicate whether you want to pick up at our nursery or during one of the spring sales listed below.

Our minimum amount for online orders is $50. We will get back to you within 3 business days to confirm availability, coordinate payment, and arrange pickup.


This spring, we are offering plants at several events hosted by the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Santa Clara Valley Chapter. Online pre-orders are highly encouraged (see instructions above).

Saturday, March 29th, 2025

Peninsula Conservation Center (3921 East Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, CA)

Pick-up only. Pre-orders required.

Saturday, April 12th, 2025

Urban Native Garden (Garden #16, San Jose, CA)

Pre-orders encouraged. Small selection available for in-person sale. Register for tour or submit pre-order to see garden address.

Saturday, April 26th, 2025

West Valley College (14000 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA)

Pre-orders encouraged. Small selection available for in-person sale.


Give the gift of biodiversity! Purchase a digital gift certificate from our nursery and share the beauty of native plants with your loved ones.

Our minimum order is $50. When you pick your amount, remember that the whole value of each digital gift certificate can only be used in one go.

Ready to dig in? Complete this form, and we'll be in touch within 3-5 business days!

Available for purchase October 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025



Container Sizes

Plants are sold in various container sizes that accommodate healthy plant growth and root development. Before every use, containers are sanitized to prevent plant pathogens. The containers we use encourage deep root growth and natural air pruning, which prevents the plants from becoming rootbound. For this reason, plants with healthy roots in small containers grow and establish faster than plants in larger containers.

Watershed Map


Collection Zones

We grow plants from seeds collected in specific watersheds to retain biodiversity, which means these plants are better suited to their specific microclimate and support local insects. The list below describes where the seed for the plant was collected.

ADO Adobe Creek
ARP Arastradero Preserve
BCO Bear Creek Open Space
BOD Bonny Doon
BPR Byrne Preserve
CAL Calabazas Creek
CCO Coal Creek Open Space
CRS Crystal Springs
CYC Coyote Creek
ECO El Corte Madera Open Space
EDO Edgewood Preserve
FHO Foothills Open Space
FOO Fremont Older Open Space
FPP Foothills Nature Preserve
GUA Guadalupe River
HVP Hidden Villa Park
LGC Los Gatos Creek
LHC La Honda Creek
LHO La Honda Open Space
LID Liddell Creek
LLA Llagas Creek
LPR Loma Prieta
LRO Long Ridge Open Space
LTO Los Trancos Open Space
MAT Matadero Creek
MBO Monte Bello Open Space
MCO Monterey County
MHR Mt Hamilton
MUO Mt Umunhum
NUR Nursery
NWK Newark Slough
ODA Ojo de Agua Creek
OTH Other
PAB Palo Alto Baylands
PAC Pacifica
PCO Pichetti Ranch
PCC Pacheco Creek
PEN Penitencia Creek
PER Permanente Creek
PES Pescadero Creek
PJV Pajaro Valley
PRO Pulgas Ridge Open Space
PTV Portola Valley
PUC Purisima Creek
RRO Russian Ridge Open Space
RSO Rancho San Antonio
SAC Santa Clara County
SAO Sierra Azul Open Space
SAR Saratoga Creek
SBC San Benito County
SBM San Bruno Mountain
SCC Santa Cruz County
SCN Santa Cruz County, North
SFO San Francisco
SFW San Francisquito Creek
SLC Silver Creek
SLR San Lorenzo River
SMC San Mateo County
SQC Soquel Creek
SRO Skyline Ridge Open Space
STA San Tomas Aquino
STP Stulsaft Park
STV Stevens Creek
THO Teague Hill Open Space
TWO Thornwood Open Space
UNK Unknown
UVA Uvas
WDS Woodside
WHO Windy Hill Open Space
WIL Wilder Ranch


Sample pages from “Native Plants for the Garden”

Our updated gardening book is a one-stop resource for Bay Area gardeners on how to successfully incorporate locally native plants into your home landscape. This second edition of San Francisco Bay Area Native Plants for the Garden is updated to include even more plant species, color photographs, sun and water requirements, maintenance tips, and indicators for pollinator-friendly plants.

Books are $30 or free with a plant order of $250 or more.

Contact to order a copy.